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Read MoreBarbeque and Photography (Two peas in a Pod)
Peace, Love, Metal
You got it, Barbeque. “Who in their right mind combines Barbecue with photography and videography as a service offering” you mumble to yourself. “they go together like ketchup and saline solution, like heavy metal and Mahatma Gandhi” Well, you aren’t wrong… completely…They do make strange bedfellows indeed, but let me try and put the two into the same warm and comfy place. You see, you are dealing with a people who are doing exactly what they want to do. My two loves outside of family have always been cooking and photography. When I started this journey (See Bio) the root, the foundation, if you will, HAD to be “doing what we love” We started over, completely! To follow a trail that would once again lead us down the path of least resistance would eventually take us to a place that we did NOT want to be, AGAIN! So we have been doing it the way we want to do it. Now, working with Woodlands + Wildflower Weddings and their customers has been a great opportunity and a wonderful experience. It was there that the opportunity was first presented to me, and it is there that I will pop my tart catering this 2019 wedding season. Michelle and I have cooked for great numbers of people many, many times, just not officially. When we were offered the chance, we sat back and asked ourselves, can we do it? Can we pull off combining the two services the same day at the same place and not compromise one iota on the quality that we always strive to offer? We could cater and we could photograph, but could we do both at the same time? No, not just the two of us. It would be foolish to think such a thing. We would have to split up. Separate for the greater good. And we would have to recruit. Well, there you go, ring the bell, call in the posse, lets do this. We will only ever do it together at the same venue, only ever separated by a few hundred feet, with a helper for each of us. The advantages are many, as to have a team so close and so helpful is but a txt away. We will be catering for no more than 100 people at first and this in not as challenging as 200 or 1000. You have likely cooked dinner for 50 at a special occasion yourself, now imagine doing that but without having to chat with and entertain. Not so bad. We wouldn’t have put our hat into the ring if we weren’t sure that we could do it. We have a team, we have a vision and we have the meats! You see, the connection between photography and catering, in our case, is love, creativity, and a genuine urge to channel that into something beautiful.