Back Forty serves Athabasca and the surrounding region in northern Alberta, Canada. We do everything from portraits, logos, flyers, business cards, weddings (Photos AND Videos) promotional videos, marketing videos, RE-Branding, we carry liability insurance for aerial photography/videography and would even tell you if you were flying low. Seriously, we do pretty much everything. Just ask.
We were founded with the belief that we were filling a need. With inspiration from BVH home staging we put our foot into the Real Estate market, not selling or buying, rather helping those who do, do so with greater success. Until we opened for business, professional photography/videography was not available in our area, not without reaching out to the major centers (in our case Edmonton) and having a photographer make the costly trip north. Not economical. We offer the same services that you can find in the cities, without the large travel expense. In fact we believe that we offer more than you can get in the city. Our video presentations are like no other, just as each property is unique, so too should the presentations be. The photography offered is more than just HDR (High Dynamic Range) it is painted by hand to highlight the true color, texture and atmosphere that the property boasts. We treat your clients with the same care a respect that you would expect from yourself. But Real Estate photography is only as good as the room will let it be, right? That is where BVH Home Staging comes in. Wheather their "Express Stage"(Quick, economical and spontaneous same day staging with the photographer) or their magnificent home staging done prior to photography, our goal is to make each home show its absolute best. Together we offer everything you need to sell faster and for more, try and find that in the big city.
Our family, wedding and character portraits endeavor to tell a story, not just show your smiles but show your personality.
Greg McKay
Raised in the wild by a pack of displaced melancholy ferrets, I find comfort in the little things, like fresh concrete mix and over-ripe asparagus juice. Seriously, does anyone read bio's anymore? Does anyone care? Well, if you made it this far I guess you do. I will attempt not to underestimate you in the future.
Shameless Selfie
My least favorite, but most willing subject.
I have been a photographer for as long as I can remember, not professionally mind you, just in my head. When I was 10 I said to my Mother. "Muthuh, my wish is to photograph for the Playboy Magazine when I am of age." Only with less British Royalty and more middle class Alberta boy. As time went on, life happened, but I kept photography close. However, I kept my wife and kids closer. In other words, I spent the better part of my life working out in the Oil Field, just me, my camera, and a box of ramen noodles, while my lovely wife raised my children for me. BRILLIANT! Right? Well no, no it wasn't. Not for us. We needed another plan.
Eventually, that plan hit me like shovel to the face. the time came to launch my dreams off the cliff and set sail. (Thanks Notley) So here we are crossing the oceans without a parachute ready to help YOU Get Noticed.
Like I said, Oil Field Alberta boy. Pulled my first set of slips in 1988 and never looked back. Went on to a career in Downhole Tools where I eventually ended up in an office in Oklahoma City. There, after two years happily consulting and helping build market share for an expanding company, I was presented a choice; (A) move to OKC, leave your adult children (and Grandson) in Alberta, work 150 hours a week and do it all for a fraction of what you made as a consultant or (B) piss off. I decided to say no thanks to their kind offer. My Wife in Alberta had a successful home staging business, maybe, just maybe, I could start something up that would complement that? Maybe. Well, I am happy to say it has gone better than I anticipated. Back Forty is alive and well! I have accomplished more for myself, my sanity, my person than drilling a hole ever did for me. Whenever I would finish a project in the past I would just be glad it was over with. About time, can I go home for a day or two now? Now, each project is unique. Every Photograph, video, business card, flyer, logo, all of it comes from a part that has never had an avenue of escape. I sincerely feel more myself than I ever have, and I owe it all to you, because you and your project will help pay next months bills, and for that I am truly grateful.